Applied Projects
Referee for
2024/25 academic year
Calculus-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics).
Microeconomics-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics).
Microeconomics-2 (Masters, 1st year, NES)
Topics in Game Theory (Masters, 1st and 2nd year, NES)
Theoretical Industrial Organization (Masters, 2nd year, NES)
2023/24 academic year
Calculus-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics).
Microeconomics-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics).
Microeconomics-2 (Masters, 1st year, NES)
Microeconomics-5 (Masters, 1st year, NES)
Topics in Game Theory (Masters, 1st and 2nd year, NES)
Theoretical Industrial Organization (Masters, 2nd year, NES)
2022/23 academic year
Calculus-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics).
Microeconomics-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics).
2021/22 academic year
Game Theory and International Relations (Bachelors, 3rd year, joint HSE and University of London program in International Relations).
Sports Economics (Masters, 1st year, International Sports Management and Marketing).
2020/21 academic year
Game Theory and International Relations (Bachelors, 3rd year, joint HSE and University of London program in International Relations)
2019/20 academic year
Game Theory and International Relations (Bachelors, 3rd year, joint HSE and University of London program in International Relations)
Sports Economics (Masters, 1st year, International Sports Management and Marketing)
2018/19 academic year
Game Theory and International Relations (Bachelors, 3rd year, joint HSE and University of London program in International Relations)
Sports Economics (Masters, 1st year, International Sports Management and Marketing)
2017/18 academic year
Calculus-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics)
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
2016/17 academic year
Calculus-1 (Bachelors, 1st year, joint HSE and NES program in Economics)
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
2015/16 academic year
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
2014/15 academic year
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
2013/14 academic year
Discrete Mathematics (Bachelors, 1st year, Sociology)
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
2012/13 academic year
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
2011/12 academic year
Discrete Mathematics (Bachelors, 1st year, Sociology)
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Modeling of Political and Economic Risks (Masters, 1st year, Political Science)
2010/11 academic year
Discrete Mathematics (Bachelors, 1st year, Sociology)
Game Theory (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Models of Political Economy (Bachelors, 3rd year, Political Science)
Mathematical Modeling of Political and Economic Risks (Masters, 1st year, Political Science)
Economics, Game Theory, Computer Science, Sports Studies
Dmitry Dagaev
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